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Planning Board Minutes 01/21/2016
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Members Present: Ex-Officio Jeffrey Jordan, Tom Jameson, Stan Brehm, Thomas Houle, Allen Mayville, Richard Moore, Ann Davis and Kristy McIntosh, Secretary.

Others Present: Meridian Land services, and other members of the public.
Co-Chairman Jameson called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.

Subdivision of 376 Dover Rd. Shirley Waters Estate-
  • Map 2 Lot 74
Meridan Land Service presented the new plan for subdivision.  They provided information on the additional 20 acre lot. A new test pit was done.  The 20 acre lot is shown to be buildable.

Alan Mayville makes a motion to accept the subdivision application as complete.  Mr. Jordan seconds the motion. All in favor, Aye.  Motion passes.

Mr. Brehm makes a motion to approve the subdivision application of Map 2 Lot 74 Shirley Waters estate. Mr. Houle seconds the motion.  All in favor, Aye. Motion Passes.

Corey Fitz- Site Plan Review for Over the Top Shelters-
Mr. Fitz did not attend the meeting and it was tabled to the February 4, 2016 meeting.  The represented from Meridan did not think he would be ready until March.  

Master Plan Survey-

The Planning Board is in agreeance that we minimally need to request some money for postage. It was also talked about using different methods of reaching people with the survey besides mail, such as online and leaving it a different areas of town.  Place discussed were Library, school and Town Hall.  We also spoke about putting it on our website and in the Suncook Sun.  

Mr. Brehm stated that we need zoning to encourage elderly housing.

Mr. Houle wants to show taxes relative to the Master Plan.  

The Planning Board went through the survey question by question making edits.

The Planning Board would like to have the survey ready by Town meeting.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy McIntosh

                                                Not approved until signed.

Tom Jameson